Beautifully weird animation created by Kj Kawasaki - watched at Japanese Shorts on Tap.
Beautifully weird animation created by Kj Kawasaki - watched at Japanese Shorts on Tap.
Warning: Not suitable for children.
Preferably Blue is the story of a very lonely, and very bitter Easter Bunny - directed by Alan Dickson. Fuelled by ego, jealousy, vodka and anti-depressants, Easter Bunny hatches a plan that will see the “holiday spotlight” shift from his old foe Santa, firmly back onto himself. But while he progresses his vodka fuelled plan, he learns something about himself that will change Christmas forever.
Animated short film which won more than 100 awards by director Santiago Bou Grasso.
If you sometimes think that you do not like your job, then you will be able to relate with the characters of this film.
Award-winning animated short WIND by director Robert Loebel.
A story about people who adapt to a incredibly windy weather.
Animated short film by Josiah Haworth, Joon Shik Song and Joon Soo Song. A guy meets a blind date in a restaurant and his brain goes into overdrive, with an epic struggle between the logical and inhibited left side and the emotional, impulsive right side.
This is a short animated film about a little girl who visits the land of dead, where she learns the true meaning of the Mexican holiday, Dia de los Muertos. Student Academy Award Gold Medal winner for 2013.
A charming cartoon from a German animators which won Cartoon d'Or in 2011.
Boy's mum turns into a monster after her divorce. In German with English sub-titles.
You will need to click Play on Vimeo to watch it.
Watch this beautiful animated story about music, life and love from iL Laster Netherlands